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3.0.0 - Unreal Engine 5.3 support


  • Unreal Engine 5.3+ support.
  • Improve hand IK placement and rotation.
  • Refactor of the CrawlingMovement component.
  • Created global helper functions in library blueprint, listed under the "Crawling System" category.
  • Added an AI example that follows the player inside and outside of routes.
  • Cleanup CS_FirstPersonCharacter: Moved debugging inputs to CS_PlayerController.
  • Made CS_FirstPersonCharacter camera rotate by using the native "controller pitch and yaw" instead of using custom relative rotations.
  • Debug widget (Player UI) now works with any Actor that implements the CS_Debug_Interface.
  • Added a debugging widget to Actors that implement the CrawlingMovement component to visually see information when debug option is ON.
  • Created interface for debugging, pawn and route actors. This provides easier ways to execute/request logic in custom Actors.
  • Added automated functional tests for CrawlingMovement basics.
  • Add better comments to methods and nodes
  • Cleanup end of route checks + removed unused functions
  • CrawlingMovement component private methods have been converted to protected to facilitate customization by inheritance.
  • Event dispatchers have been setup in the CrawlingMovement to make it easier to react to different events.


  • Debug widget performance improved and refactored.
  • Fixed an issue when getting out of routes was moving the character to 0,0,0 coordinates in UE5.0+
  • Take world ref up vector to look for ground, instead of the spline point up vector. (Can be overriden)